Contraception (Birth Control)

Understand contraception, and your long-term and emergency options.

(Birth Control)


What is contraception?

Contraception, also known as birth control, refers to the methods and techniques used to prevent pregnancy by interfering with the process of fertilisation and/or implantation of a fertilised egg. Contraception aims to provide individuals and couples with control over their reproductive choices and the timing of pregnancies.


Contraceptive pill (Birth Control Pill)

Women can take contraceptive pills, also known as birth control pills, regularly on a daily basis to prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries) and altering the cervical mucus to impede sperm movement. They can contain both oestrogen and progesterone (combined), or be progesterone-only (mini-pills). Both pill types provide ongoing contraception for the long-term prevention of pregnancy.

Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)

Women can take the morning-after pill, also known as emergency contraception, to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure (e.g., condom breakage).

When to take

Some morning-after pills are effective up to 72 hours (3 days) after intercourse, while others may be effective up to 120 hours (5 days) after. While morning-after pills can significantly reduce your risk of pregnancy, they are not as effective as regular methods of contraception.

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